Authenticity and Acrostics


I recently attended a SOUL SISTER CIRCLE networking event.  Trust me – you want in on the next one!  Take everything you know about networking events and toss it out the window.

Think a room filled with shining souls, 
connected before they have physically met and a deep knowing that you are amongst kindred spirits. A Kindred Connecting.

At each table setting along with other goodies and fabulous food, was a small card that held a question – a topic for discussion – a conversation starter…


As we each took our turn, my mind quickly went into overdrive. The many versions of my inner critic were vying so loudly for my attention, simultaneously striving to find the answer and vetoing it immediately.  And then, as often is the case in this situation, the airbag went off in my head – a puff of white and no more space for any thoughts.

So – my turn… a deep breath and as I read my question aloud, a small space opened up and floating up from my heart came the answer.  


“To trust enough in the real me to share her”

When I get a message from my heart, often I do not hear it until it leaves my mouth in the form of audible words. And as it landed on everyone including myself for the first time I thought to myself – “Listen up Lisa”

Fast Forward by a few weeks, and I came across the card again – and read further – I had missed the “Explain your answer” on the day and realised now,  in this instance, was the time to delve deeper.  So apologies for perhaps making you all feel like you’ve stepped back into a high school english class, but I’ve gotten all WORD-NERDY and created an Acrostic (see image below) from the word TRUST (told you it’s getting nerd-wordy now). Bear with me though…



Time – be present and open to what is happening NOW – not who you were or who you think you are meant to be.

Responsibility – you need to actively take part in the journey to ensure your ego doesn’t jump in and rule the roost.

Universe – while you need to be an active participant you also need to know that you are supported by the universe and that you are part of a bigger picture that you may not yet be privy to. You need to allow space within your journey for this to unfold.

Self Love – this for me is always at the centre of it all – always treat yourself with loving kindness.  A snippet of wisdom delivered recently during a group meditation was that to choose living to your full capacity means loving yourself in a way you never have before.

Truth – by actively practising inner truth seeking, you will begin to acknowledge where word by word, action by action you are living within or without alignment to your real self

What’s your definition of “Authenticity”. I’d love to hear from you below in the comments if you feel called to share.  As always your views and ideas are inspirational to me.


Written by

Lisa is the founder of Coloured in Life. A background in Interior Design and a passion for all things colourful has lead Lisa to pursue a Life lived in Colour and share her discoveries and Joy with the world.

4 Comments to “Authenticity and Acrostics”

  1. Sarah says:

    To me, authenticity is being genuine. The soul sister circle sounds amazing!

    • Genuine – that’s a great word Sarah – makes me think of “original” too. SSC is amazing – only on the Gold Coast and Brisbane so far – but probably won’t be long before they are all over the country! x

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